Roone153™ Stakeholders are more than just well-meaning supporters.They have a vested interest in the success or failure of this ministry for the furtherance of the kingdom of God because the end game is the fullfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). The following are the seven (7) categories of Roone153™ Stakeholders:
1) Roone153™ Prayer Partners
Roone153™ Prayer Partners committ to pray for Roone153™ Financial Advisors and Managers daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
Why are your prayers coveted ?
1) Because we know that this is a spiritual battle against " ...principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 We are fully aware that the enemy "...controls the whole world." 1 John 5:19 and will do anything and everything to usurp our mandate. However, we know that "...the one who is in us , is greater than the one in the world." 1 John 4:4
2) Because your prayers ascend to heaven. "…the four living creatures and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. " Revelation 5:8
What to pray for ?
1) That God's shield of
protection would surround each Roone153™ Financial Advisor and Manager in the field.
" But thou O LORD art a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of mine head. " Psalm 3:3 (KJV)
2) That God's
favour would rest on each Roone153™ Financial Advisor and Manager in the field.
" For thou O LORD will blest the righteous, with favour wilt thou encompass him as with a shield. " Psalm 5:8 (KJV)
3) That the Roone153™ Vision (...153 Roone153™ Corporation in 74 local centres across Canada ) would be
completed in it's entirety as soon as possible.
When to pray ?
1) Daily - at the start of each day for protection and favour for the whole day
2) Weekly - every Sunday - for protection and favour for the whole week
3) Monthly - on the first of each month for protection and favour for the whole month
4) Annually - on New Year's eve for protection and favour for the whole year.
FYI: It takes only 20 seconds to pray for the 3 items mentioned above. Hence
As a
Daily Prayer Partner it will only take up
2 hours of your time
per year.
As a
Weekly Prayer Partner it will only take up
17 minutes of your time
per year.
As a
Monthly Prayer Partner, it will only take up
4 minutes of your time
per year.
As an
Annual Prayer Partner, it will only take up
20 seconds of your time
per year.
To sign up as a prayer partner please email specifying your choice of daily, weekly, monthly or annual prayer partner.
2)Roone153™ Investors
The 2020 capital requirements for an investor are CAD $250,000 which will used as the working capital for four (4) local Roone153™ Corporations. 50% of the best after-tax profits of those four (4) local Roone153™ Corporation are paid to the investor annually as annual dividends until the latter of ten (10) years or the return of the capital invested. This translates to a 12% to 96%* return per year for the investor for ten (10) years. * depending on the level of production
Why invest ?
1 Timothy 6:19 (LB) puts it this way : " up real treasures in the only safe investment for eternity."
3) 6,120 local Roone153™ Financial Advisors globally
Roone153™ Financial Advisors are ALIVE (
View of
Eternity ) Christians living within an assigned territory (...or willing to move to one) who value time freedom (four(4) vacation weeks per year which increases by an additional week per year starting in year five (5 ) for a total of twenty (20) vacation weeks per year starting in year twenty (20), money freedom (total compensation from $60,000 to $800,000) and an eternal purpose driven occupation.
For the right candidate (with or without experience) we provide a
guaranteed base compensation of $500 per week in dividends plus commissions, a
guaranteed business expense allowance of up to $1500 per month, a generous health and dental plan and a generous retirement program funded by 25% of the after-tax profits for each year of service with
immediate vesting in the form of an immediate or deferred life annuity.
To apply to be a Roone153™ Advisor please email your resume to
4) Roone153™ Financial Managers
Roone153™ Managers are ALIVE (
View of
Eternity), eternal purpose driven and results oriented Christians, who want to leave their mark on the world. They could be resident anywhere in the world and must value money freedom (a six figure income), time freedom (...up to 20 weeks vacations over time) and must be
totally committed to the Roone153™ Raison d'être (reason for being), Vision and Mission.
For the right candidate we provide a guaranteed base compensation of $1000 per week in dividends plus a guaranteed business expense allowance of up to $4000 per month plus a bonus of 1% of the after-tax profit of
every Roone153™ corporation under the jurisdiction and a generous health & dental plan. The base compensation for Assistant Managers is 75% of the compensation for Managers plus a bonus of 0.125% of the after-tax profit of profit of every Roone153™ corporation under the jurisdiction
To apply to be a Roone153™ Financial Manager please email your resume to
5) Roone153™ Prospects /Clients
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungoldly..."
Psalm 1:1
Where are you getting your financial counsel ?
Roone153™ Financial Advisors use
TheGPSProcess™ - a unique, universal, lifelong, biblically-based, eternity focused financial plan to empower their clients financially.
To find a Roone153™ Financial Advisor near you please email
6) Roone153™ Ambassadors
Roone153™ Ambassadors are volunteers who make recommendations on the allocation of our after-tax profits to ministries in the 1040 Window. They are our 'goto' persons for each region and country in the 1040 Window. There will three (3) Regional Ambassadors (one for Northern Africa, one for the Middle East and one for Asia) and a minimum of seventy-one (74)
National Ambassadors, one for each of the seventy-one (74) countries in The 1040 Window with Provincial and State Ambassadors for the more populous countries.
Regional Ambassadors:
1) Must have a heart and passion for that region of the 1040 Window.
2) Must learn and know as much as possible about that 1040 Window region and the countries within that region.
3) Must identify and appoint National Ambassadors for each of the countries in that region.
5) Must oversee and liase with the National Ambassadors in that region regularly.
6) Must pray for that region daily, weekly or at least monthly.
7) Must visit at least one country in that region annually.
National Ambassadors:
1) Must have a heart and passion for a particular 1040 Window country.
2) Must learn and know as much as possible about that 1040 Window country.
3) Must learn the official, national or most spoken langguage of that country.
4) Must pray for that country daily, weekly or at least monthly.
5) Must find ministries in that country for the allocation of our after-tax profits.
7) Must visit that country at least annually.
To apply to be a Roone153™ Ambassador please email
7) Advocates
Roone153™ Advocates are those who refer and introduce local target prospects within their circle of influence to the local Roone153™ Advisor. Beyond just connecting target prospects to the local Roone153™ Advisor they ensure a connection by following up with both the referred and the local Roone153™ Financial. Why would they do this ? Because they have understood and bought into the Roone153™ Raison D'etre, Vision and Mission.
If you are interested in becoming a Roone153™ Advocate in your locale please email
8) Host Churches
Roone153™ Financial Advisors conduct quarterly financial workshops called FinancialSoireé™ and MPowerBreakfast™ at evangelical churches in their assigned territories per year. A FinancialSoireé is conducted from 7 pm to 9 pm on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday night and all that's needed is a room ( or the main sanctuary ) that can accomodate 20 to 100 people. An MPowerBreakfast™ is conducted on a Saturday morning from 9 am to 11 am and in addition to the room we need access to the kitchen facilities to prepare a continental breakfast which is served at the workshop.
If you are interested in making your church a host church for financial workshops please email
1040 Window Countries:
Northern Africa (30) : Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Quinea-Bissau, Senegal, Gambia, Maurtiania, Western Sahara, Morrocco, Algeria, Mali,Niger, Cote D'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Tunisia, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan , Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia
Middle East (23): Israel, Lebanon, Syria,Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan and Tajiskistan,Azerbaijan, Armenia,Georgia,Qatar
Asia (21) : China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Taiwan,Japan, Mongolia,